IFAPP Today newsletter - June 2024

Source: IFAPP

June 14, 2024

Please find here the link to the IFAPP TODAY newsletter of June 2024, featuring the article 'Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Medicine in Belgium: The Making of a New Specialist Title for Physicians' written by Erik Present (Healixia President), Robert Lins (Healixia Clinical Research Education Group member) & Jan de Hoon (Healixia board member).


  1. Congratulations to the 2024 IFAPP Fellows!
  2. Join Us! Introduction of the IFAPP Ethics Working Group
  3. Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Medicine in Belgium: The Making of a New Specialist Title for Physicians
  4. Artificial Intelligence in Medical Information in the Closing Act of the Second Edition of the Course ‘University Expert in Medical Information in the Pharmaceutical Industry'
  5. Czech EUPATI National Platform Supports Patient Voice
  6. Report on IFAPP Webinar held on 29 May 2024: “CAR T-Cell Therapy and Ethical Aspects (Patients’ Involvement)”
  7. IFAPP Webinar EU-CTR Update Workshop
  8. MEAPP Conference Announcement