Cancellation policy for courses and events
Invoices are given out by:
Healixia vzw
Kerkstraat 108
B-9050 Gentbrugge
T 09 233 51 19
BTW nr.: BE0739 515 429
The following conditions apply to the training courses and events organized by Healixia:
- Registration - You can register for a training course or event via the registration form on the website. If the form has been completed and forwarded correctly, a confirmation message will appear on your screen and you will receive a confirmation email. About a week before the start of the training course or event you will receive a confirmation of participation with practical information.
- Free cancellation of your registration - Free cancellation is possible up to 5 working days before the start of the training course or event. This must always be done in writing (via mail, fax or letter). In the event of later cancellation, 50% of the registration fee, with a minimum of EUR 50, is due.
- Absence without written notice - In case of absence without written notice (at least 24 hours before the start of the training), the full registration fee will be charged. In case of a free event 50 EUR will be charged. You will be informed of this the first business day after the event.
- Change of registration - If you cannot attend the training, you can send someone in your place. Please report this change by e-mail. Please take into account that membership is linked to the professional, not the company. So if a member is replaced by a non-member, this implies a change of attendance fee.
- Cancellation by the organization - In case of insufficient registrations or unforeseen absence of a teacher, the organization can cancel the training. You will be notified by mail or telephone.
- Certificate of participation - The participant receives a certificate of participation after payment of the registration fee.
- Payment of the training - In the announcement of the training you can find the participation price (excl. VAT). You will receive an invoice for this. The participation price includes any costs for a documentation folder and catering, unless stated otherwise.