The FAMHP publishes its annual report 2022
June 22, 2023
Although the FAMHP's staff continued to feel the effects of the health crisis, in 2022 they were also able to complete many tasks that had been postponed due to the coronavirus crisis. Various “major” files were started, followed up or closed. For example, new initiatives were launched in collaboration with other national and European institutions to combat the shortage of medicines in Belgium and the European Union.
Source: FAMHP
The annual report provides an overview of the FAMHP's main activities and achievements in 2022. In the report, we also highlight a few projects that demonstrate the ongoing commitment and professionalism of our staff.
2022 in a nutshell
- 3 044 notifications were received concerning the temporary unavailability of medicines. The main causes were a slowdown in production or increased demand. Only 1.18 % of the unavailabilities were critical.
- 12 991 notifications were received of adverse reactions involving medicinal products for human or veterinary use. That number is approximately one quarter of the number of notifications received in the previous year, which was characterised by an exceptional peak as a result of notifications concerning the coronavirus vaccines.
- 2 138 postal packages containing non-compliant products from outside the EEA were blocked.
- 632 dossiers for a marketing authorisation application for a medicine were processed
- 525 applications for clinical trials were processed.
- 391 325 notifications concerning the implantation and explantation of medical devices were received in the central tracing register (CTR).
- 521 investigations into illegal medicinal products and medical devices were conducted by our Special Investigation Unit.
Projects in the spotlight
We spoke to several FAMHP experts in order to get an insight into some of the major projects being carried out within the FAMHP. For example, the Special Investigation Unit said the following about the fight against falsified and other illegal medicinal products, “This phenomenon poses a great danger to public health and has continued to increase in recent years. That is why we actively cooperate with the police, customs, the judicial system and other players on a national, European and even international level.” The issue of unavailable medicines is also discussed: “The FAMHP is constantly working on structural solutions to address the issue of unavailability. In consultation with all stakeholders, we try to offer concrete solutions and to communicate about this in a correct and transparent way.”
Discover all the achievements and projects in 2022 in the FAMHP's digital annual report.
We want out to improve our annual report each year, which is why we invite you to give your opinion on the annual report by completing an online survey.
A message from Xavier De Cuyper, Chief Executive Officer of the FAMHP:
"In 2022, our teams were able to complete several great projects. I would like to thank all FAMHP staff and external partners for their unconditional commitment and investment. Let’s continue to work together for the health of everyone.”