Advanced Course CTD Mod 5
1th edition
February 23-24, 2015
Venue: Novotel Brussels Airport – Da Vinci laan 25, 1831 Diegem
This two-day course is intended to provide an in depth knowledge and understanding of the main principles and concepts of the Clinical part of the Common Technical Document.
The course is designed for the experienced Regulatory Affairs Manager who requires a compact and comprehensive actualisation on the subject. All speakers are experienced tutors from university, FAMHP and industry.
Programme and speakers
Day 1
09.00 Registration and coffee
09.30 Welcome and opening remarks
Marc Benijts (BRAS)
09.45 Clinical aspects of the CTD: Theoretical overview and practical considerations
Miranda Vroenhove (FAMHP)
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Patient safety in hospitals and the importance of Evidence Based Practice
Dominique Vandijck (Ugent – Hasselt University)
11.45 EBM – Efficacy and Safety applications: case studies
Stefan Bonné (FAMHP)
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Bioequivalence: basics and applications. Scientific guidelines on the investigation of bioequivalence. Practical approach and common errors
Joëlle Warlin (FAMHP) & Marleen Laloup (FAMHP)
14.30 Core principles and challenges of global clinical drug development
Inge Lefèvre (GSK)
15.15 Coffee Break
15.45 Statistics in clinical trials: principles, practice and pragmatism
Geert Molenberghs (KUL)
16.30 A practical approach of GCP in the guidelines and inspections
Dominique Delforge (FAMHP)
17.15 End of day 1
Day 2
09.30 Benefit-Risk Assessment
Diederica Claeys (FAMHP)
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Safety issues related to QT prolongation and interactions: implications for the SmPC
Nele Steens (FAMHP) & Bruno De Schuiteneer (FAMHP)
12.00 Design modalities of clinical trials across drug development
Paul Stoppie (FAMHP) & Olga Kholmanskikh Van Criekingen (FAMHP)
12.45 Lunch
14.00 Clinical investigation for paediatric population
Jacqueline Carleer (FAMHP)
15.00 Coffee Break
15.30 Drug use in older people: pharmacology and availability and applicability of information on rational prescribing
Mirko Petrovic (Ugent)
16.30 Closing remarks
Marc Benijts (BRAS)
16.45 End of course
Presentations will be given in English (exception possible at the request of the speaker).
Be aware that the course is intended for a LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ensuring an optimal learning process.
Further practical information can be obtained through BRAS Administrative Office, Mrs. Brigitte Frenay tel +32 2 757 06 29 or
Fees: BRAS Member = 900€ - non BRAS Member = 1.100€
It is understood, to be admitted to the session, that the fees have been pre-paid. In case of cancellation after 13 February 2015, the fees are due and will be invoiced.