Introduction to Pricing & Reimbursement in Belgium


Location: Brussels Sheraton Rogier, 28-29 september 2009

This two-day course is intended to provide a basic knowledge and understanding of the main principles and concepts of pricing & reimbursement in Belgium.

The course is designed for the professional with experience in the pharmaceutical world (Regulatory Affairs, Marketing, Sales,...) who requires a comprehensive introduction on the subject, and for the professional who is a newcomer to the P&R department.

Upon completion of this course, attendees will have a clear understanding of the pricing & reimbursement system in Belgium, and will have gained the basic background knowledge necessary to ensure, under the supervision of his senior, the follow up of a dossier.

Topics that will be covered are:

overview legislation related to pricing and reimbursement
organisation FPS Economic Affairs & FPS Social security
Structure and role of INAMI/ RIZIV, commissions and commitees
The regulations for pricing in practice
Introduction to the social security in Belgium
Reimbursement modalities
Chapter IV products
Specific legislation class 1, 2 and 3
Introduction to the pharmaco-economic principles
case studies
The following speakers have already confirmed their collaboration: Prof. Dr Annemans L (UG - VUB), Arickx F (RIZIV - INAMI Belgium), De Groote A (consultant), Laporte A (FPS Economy), Marlier F (FPS Economy), Dr Specenier (RIZIV - INAMI Belgium), Vandriessche Y (

Language: Given the specifity of the topics and their relation to national procedures, the presentations will be given in Dutch, French or English upon the choise of the speakers. No simultanious translation available

Be aware that the course is intended for a LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ensuring an optimal learning process.

Mailing to follow.