Our members are active in research & development (including pre-clinical, early clinical and later phases), medical affairs, safety, regulatory affairs and market access in industry, academia, investigator sites, authorities, regulatory bodies or in consultancy.
We currently have about 700 members. Below, you can only view our members who have agreed to their name being published in this overview.
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Marco Lobo
Thomas Lodeweyckx
Inge Lodewijckx
Ann Maertens
Katrien Mariën
Martina Martina Masoni
Eleonore Maury
Marijke Mertens
Marian Mestdagh
An-Katrien Minnaert
Eva Mondelaers
Jens Motmans
Isabelle Mottet
Lotte Nees
Agustina Orellana
Stijn Otte
Hannah Pardaens
Marieke Parmentier
Ine Peetroons
Björn Penninckx
Christine Pionet
Xavier Pottier
Koen Raeymaekers
Benoit Rasquin
Xavière Rausin
Maria Ribeiro
Laura Ryckmans
Leen Sas
Cédric Savelkoul
Audrey Sceraert