Our members are active in research & development (including pre-clinical, early clinical and later phases), medical affairs, safety, regulatory affairs and market access in industry, academia, investigator sites, authorities, regulatory bodies or in consultancy.
We currently have about 700 members. Below, you can only view our members who have agreed to their name being published in this overview.
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Benedicte Goffart
Maud Guéders
Vincent Haenen
Sophie Hanssens
Nancy Hardies
Jhana Hendrickx
Valerie Hennuy
Evren Henslegers
Caroline Hoefkens
Philippe Hoogmartens
Katrijn Houbracken
Anne-Pascale Houtekie
Annelies Inzé
Tim Janssen
lefever judith
Sema Kaya
Alaa Khamis
Ingrid Klingmann
Martine Kooken
Fabienne Lambert
Nathalie Lambot
Sandrine Langbeen
Carmen Langens
Charline Lays
Iris Leemans
Véronique Lefebvre
Aurelia Lefever
Lieselotte Lemoine
Isabelle Lenaerts
Aline Lescrauwaet