Our members are active in research & development (including pre-clinical, early clinical and later phases), medical affairs, safety, regulatory affairs and market access in industry, academia, investigator sites, authorities, regulatory bodies or in consultancy.

We currently have about 700 members. Below, you can only view our members who have agreed to their name being published in this overview.

Are you a member and not yet on this list? Go to your profile to check the box!

  • Erik Antonissen
  • Jonathan Atia
  • Murat Aydin
  • Sarah Jane Bandarlipe|
  • Caroline Bily
  • Sebastien Block
  • Stijn Bollen
  • Laurane Brees
  • Michiel Brutsaert
  • Annabelle Bruyndonckx
  • Dimitri Buytaert
  • Céline Cattoir
  • Anna Chioti
  • Marie Claes
  • Bart Claeys
  • Ann Clement
  • Katrijn Coen
  • Kaatje Coenen
  • Katrien Coppens
  • Marian Coquel
  • Chloë Crespinet
  • Marianne Croket
  • Trees De Belder
  • Isabelle De Bock
  • Eline De Bruyne
  • Roosmarijn De Cock
  • Sofie De Craecker
  • Tom De Gres
  • Jelle De Keukeleire
  • Charlotte De Ruyck