OTC Medicines

This BRAS afternoon will take place on Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at the Montil, Affligem from 14h00 until 17h30.

Agenda and speakers:

14.00 Introduction

14.05 Change in distribution of non-prescription medicines in Europe
M. Coronel, AESGP (English)

14.30 Names of medicinal products - A new guideline (Names, Umbrella Branding, Use of INNs)
Names : S. Colyn (Dutch)
Umbrella branding : S. Colyn (Dutch)
Use of INNs : V. Lescrainier (French)

15.10 Questions and answers (Mother tongue of the participant)

15.30 Coffee break

16.00 Content and argumentation to obtain an OTC-switch
B. De Schuiteneer (Dutch/French)

17.10 Questions and answers (Mother tongue of the participant)

17.30 Closure